Transaction History Flow

The Transaction History flow enables a user to view a complete, chronological list of all transactions that have occurred during the lifetime of the account:

  • Purchases for digital goods or services
  • Token purchases
  • Token conversions
  • Payouts
  • Refunds

When a user opens this page, several of their most recent transactions are displayed. They can filter their list to view either pending or completed transactions.

Transaction History Example

If a user clicks or taps on a specific transaction, a transaction details page appears. On this page, users can view the details of a specific transaction and request a receipt of that transaction be sent to them.


Buyers and sellers participating in the same transaction see different details:

  • A buyer receipt includes line items for all items that have been purchased by the specific buyer. Purchases from one or multiple sellers can appear on the buyer receipt.
  • A seller receipt includes line items for all items that have been sold to a buyer. Only items sold by the seller to the specific buyer appear on the seller receipt.

This flow begins with a check for a signed TOS. If one has not been signed, a TOS screen appears for a user to accept before proceeding with the flow.


Requirement Description
ID of the < div > element Publisher-defined, named < div > in which the Transaction History flow will be rendered
Redirect URL URL that initiates the flow. The user requesting to view the transaction history must be part of the transactions being retrieved.

Supported flowConfig Options

Keys (all optional) Values Description
hideExitButtons boolean (default: false) Hides 'X' button where user can close out the UI.
hideMergedAccountSelector boolean (default: false) Hides the section of the UI that displays the username and the merged account selector (when applicable).
txnHistoryTabIndex 0 or 1 (integer, defaults to 0 which is 'Completed') Selects which tab ('Completed' or 'Pending') the UI defaults to showing. Use 1 to default to 'Pending'.
disableTxnHistoryUserFiltering boolean (default: false) Disables ability for user to change (or view) filter settings.
txnHistoryFiltersStr comma separated string (options are: "purchase", "sale", "token_purchase", "token_convert", "payout", "refund", "deposit", "balance_transfer") Allows setting a default search filter.

Widget Flow Implementation

Use the following steps to open and customize a transaction history flow in the widget:

  1. Copy the following code sample
        rootId: "<YOUR-ELEMENT-ID>"
        flow: "txnhistory",
        redirect: "<WIDGET-REDIRECT-URL>",
        onComplete: handleComplete,
        onError: handleError,
        theme: {
            backgroundColor: "#323232",
            primaryColor: "#47CC00"
        flowConfig: {} // see supported flowConfig options above
  2. Replace the placeholder values (< YOUR-ELEMENT-ID > and < WIDGET-REDIRECT-URL >) with the values from the Requirements section
  3. (Optional) Customize the flowConfig
  4. (Optional) In the theme object, customize the appearance of the widget


The Transaction History flow fires the following events.


Fired when a user clicks the Close button

    event: "tilia.txnhistory.complete",
    flow: "txnhistory", 
    source: "tilia"